Washington, D.C. ORCS
Since 2022, GW Mock Trial has hosted the AMTA Open Round Championship Series (ORCS) tournaments. Each year, these tournaments brought together 24 of the best collegiate mock trial teams in the nation.
GW Mock Trial is honored to have been selected as the host of the 2025 Washington, D.C. ORCS. We are currently looking for qualified attorneys to judge the competition rounds.
This year’s tournament will be held in person on Saturday, March 8, 2024 and Sunday, March 9, 2025 at GW’s Student Center in Foggy Bottom.
Specific times are included in the sign up form, but each round will take approximately 3.5-4 hours, including a judge orientation. Whether you judge a round, a day, or the entire weekend, your contribution will be greatly appreciated. Meals and refreshments will be provided.

If you have any friends or colleagues who may be interested in judging, we would greatly appreciate it if you could send them the registration form. Please reach out to gwu.invitational.judges@gmail.com with any questions!